What Anpeiyu wishes what he gets!

Nov 13, 2008


Just in case if any real close friends of mine reading this blog...

Im already moved out of queenstown, my territory for the past 27 years to some other place.

If you want to know where, you just have to dial my number and you will get an answer. =D

Im a idiot when it comes to computer language and since the missus was "lazy" ( i quote) to help me to type linking posts. Heck! I just copy and paste here so that i can remember this day still in many years to come. Hehe...

Pardon my poor memory at times... ;D

Rose, Wine, Chocolate, Ring (finally...)

Boyfriend Fiance bought me to this lovely lovely place on Friday to celebrate our pre-2nd-anniversary. Its at Marina @KeppelBay. a Very exclusive island owned by well.. Keppel Bay..
We took cab in and even the cabbie asked us 'Woh, what is this place call?' even a cabbie has not been there, either its so exclusive or cabbie is.. new. *shrugged*

check out the website if you want.

Fiance (feels weird not typing Boyfriend) bought me a bunch of Roses.

When he met me, i could tell something 'Fishy' is going on cause he kept his hands behind his back. So guys, dont keep your hands behind your back if you wanan give your girl flowers ok~ cause we can tell! haa..

So, we went to the dining place PRIVE which is at Marina @ KeppelBay and Boy! That place is beautiful! I meant both PRIVE and KeppelBay... I didnt take much photos cause I forgot to bring my camera *bang head on wall* and was left with only my old trusty SonyEricSon 3.2Pixel. And you know, Hp camera dont take well durng night time! T_T

So we had sparking water (which setted us back a frigging $10). We tot it was like 'ice water' the way they ask us (aka free) Blah!

and we had a 500g ribeye steak which is $95. T_T S$95!!

Might looks small here but its not, its 2 person portion, 500gram.
normally 1 person poration is abt 225gram

Maybe some think "chey only $95." but $95 lei! To a couple whos saving like mad for the year end Big Day, its quite ex. but... but its so damn YUMMY!!!!!!! Have you watched 終艺大哥大 (a taiwan variety show) where those celebrity always make those super over expression when they eat the chef's food? THats how I felt too!! WHen i eat the steak. its like Oh-so-Juicy-Oh-So-Yummy-I-dont-want-to-swallow-it!

And How LingHui always say "好吃到想站起来跳舞!" (Yummy Till I wanna stand up and dance!). For me, i wanted to scream, jump up and run around the room. But I didnt do it for fear I might be sent out. Haa...

So after the oh-so-yummy steak we went up to TCC for drink, and I accidently put my flowers (with purple wrapping) on the marble table and .... cause there was water on the water, the purple frm the wrapping run and dyed the table a lovely purple hue. My god. X_x

Oh we saw his younger brother there with a girl too.

Anyway, after everything, we went strolling around the jetty and Fiance gave me this scrapbook he made himself. With all our past 2 years photos and taglines he wrote himself.. Some are pretty...erm crappy sweet. I was laughing throughout while flipping cause some are juz plain funny. Hee.. And at the last page...

Me: "So is this where you kneel down?"
Him: "Oh yes!"
*kneel down and proceed to saying mushy things* Lalalala

So we walked home hands-in-hands on cloud9. ^^
Suddenly the night wasnt cold anymore cause there's someone there to warm me up. :D

And the place is so beautiful that I wanted to take our pre-wedding shots there (We are having our 1st Pre-wedding shoot next next week) and when i emailed Marina @KeppelBay, saddly they say they dont allow any wedding shot there. Dang. Dang-ation!