What Anpeiyu wishes what he gets!

May 25, 2007

Now i guess its high time or rather an appropriate time to re-evaluate my life. Which direction will i turn to? What career do i wish to pursue? Is this the girl whom i will settle down with in the near future? etc etc.. Probably the choices i make in future or now will set off a chain of events which may or may not be what i have forseen it to be.

Hmmm... But i guess what will be will be and i should not always live life with questions of ' What If... ?'

We all have to move forward, going forward, walk on...

Looking forward to my trip to Hong Kong in july and there's certainly going to be mass hysteria caused by the summer sales there, or so i think. I guess sweets and me are probably going to shop till we drop or till our pockets get burnt- whichever comes first.

But all seems well as the air tickets (wholly and gladly sponsored by yours truly) and accommadation (missus share) have been planned out and paid for. There seems to be a problem- We do not have a consensous on whether to or not to go to Disneyland (HK).

I have heard more negative than positive reviews, and possibly have not yet heard positive remarks from friends, colleagues. But she is adamant that Disneyland is one of the must visit places! I'm afraid that i don't really share the same view on this and i would rather visit Mickey in Tokyo, USA or Paris but not in HK.

But this disagreement is threatening to rear its ugly head and screw up whatever is pleasant between us... If i had knew this thing would come up and escalate into some kind of huge fireball, i rather save the money and sleep at home or go out and shop in Sg. And save myself from this kind of unwanted for, unneeded for distress experienced.

Not to mention another point which is making me uncomfortable under the collar. I will support your decision whatever it is but i hope that its going to be something that is not a spur of the moment thing and one that i would rather not have to worry about in time to come...

Nights and sweet dreams to all...

Finally can go to sleep after saying my heart...