What Anpeiyu wishes what he gets!

Sep 27, 2006

Under the pale moonlight,
Where the stars are shining bright,

On the ground shows a silhouette,
Where the two lovers met,

Their hearts merged into one entity,
For it seemed to be like an eternity.

An eternity is not enough for me,
I realise i am being greedy here,
B'cos i just want you to hold me.
Forever and ever in my arms so dear.

Only you can unlock the dreams in my mind,
Only real happiness in you i will find,
Only you can make me feel the way i feel,
For there will never be another girl just like you.

Written for the girl in my heart now.^^

Sep 20, 2006

Would a couple's romance be everlasting?

We certainly hope it does..

But well, will the flame of love be burning eternally?
Amongst the occasional stormy winds, can the flame( of love) weather through and still be burning brightly?
Or will it be flickering as though a candle in the wind?

Think about it.
For a minute.

Now picture yourself with the other half, or significant other doing things together. Be it enjoying a romantic movie in the own comfort of your own apartment; Having a hot and wild night out at a local club together; Belting lovey-dopey hits at the karoke bar till you sound like a pair of horny toads; Or just soaking and hugging each other in the private tub.

I think all or should i say most of us do long for that 'special one' to be with us all the time(if possible), or at least when we need a hug, or shoulder to cry on, or someone to confide in. Even the happy moments we would love to share them with the significant other.

Perhaps that is why this phrase exists in the wedding vow - 'In sickness or health, for richer or poorer'.
I'm just making an assumption lah.. It does not mean it really originated from there.

Showing concern for our other half is a must, if i should say but is there a limit to it? Is it possible that we may suffocate our lovers with too much concern that it becomes more of a strangle, where they feel that their movements, whereabouts are being eagle-watched? I would not like it certainly and for sure would not want my significant other to feel the same way too.

Love is not a prison. You do not make the other half feel as though they are bound with a metal ball to their ankle. Unless they want it, then that is another argument totally.

Sep 19, 2006

The Dirty Half Dozen

Six favourite female attacks and how to guard against them.

How many of these women have you dated?


HER MOTTO: "Waaaa!"
The Trap: She makes you feel so guilty that you make promises you can't keep just to stop her
crying. She knows the power of tears. Unfortunately, so do you.
The Solution:Wait her out. T h ey are only tears, not bullets. Let her wail all she wants, yo u 'r e
there while she's wearing herself out. Being compassionate means being there for her, not caving
in to what she wants. Making promises you can't keep doesn't make you a better man.
Being yourself, even if she disapproves, and still being there for her is strong, manly stuff.


HER MOTTO: "Fuck you!"
The Trap: You live in fear of her rages. Or, you shout back and have useless fights with her.
The Solution: Don't fight back. Don't feed the fire. Understand what she's saying. Tell her
you see she is angry. Slow things down. Make specific requests of her – pin her down on one
thing at a time and make specific small promises you can keep.


HER MOTTO: "I’ll be irrational and drive you nuts, then accuse you of
being irrational and therefore WRONG."
The Trap: You argue with her crazy, illogical arguments, then to go insane—which she then
uses as proof that you must be wrong.
The Solution: She needs to be right, so tell her when she's right—even if it kills you.
Arguing with her point-for-point is useless; she isn't logical. She uses what she calls 'logic'
to wear you down. Her goal? To make you flip out or give up. Admit that you are irrational
by saying, "Sorry, but that's just the way I feel." That gets you out of her accusation that you
are 'irrational.' Keep staying with what you want; keep the mantra, "This is the way I feel,
what can we do about it?" Eventually she'll calm down. But logic and rationality never works
here – only clear, simple persistence. She needs to be right and in control. Give her that as
much as you can while maintaining clarity about what you want.


HER MOTTO: "This is what men have been doing to women for thousands
of years!"
The Trap: You'll feel guilty and ashamed about being a guy, and do whatever she wants to get
her to back off.
The Solution: Refuse to feel ashamed of what other men might have done to other women.
Be proud of being a man. Remember how noble men are. Don't argue on her terms—keep
bringing the conversation back to specific events between the two of you – not some historical
smorgasbord of male crimes that you had nothing to do with.


HER MOTTO: "You just don’t understand how hard it is to be me!"
The Trap: She whines more than is humanly possible. She can't see that she is totally committed
to being helpless. You try to help and suddenly you 'don’t understand' and 'aren't on her
side'. After all, the universe is against her.
The Solution: Don't try to fix her problems. Let her learn her own lessons and realize that
there is nothing you can do to make her handle things 'the right way', which is how you
would handle them.


HER MOTTO: "Are you asleep? There’s something we need to talk
about...[fill in the blank]"
The Trap: Ending up in a horrible, middle-of-the-night fight.
The Solution: Listen without fixing. Apologize if appropriate. Put her off 'til later. Give in
on small stuff. Make promises you can keep. Show "emotional vulnerability," and ask to be
held without talking.

Any exes or current squeeze that may seem familiar?.. Good luck then.. ^^

When perceived performance exceeds expectations, it's known as value for money. Users or customers of the product are satisfied and would probably spread the benefits of the product through WOM( word of mouth). Research has shown that positive WOM will spread among 6 to 9 people whereas negative WOM would result in 9 to 15 people being aware of the poor performance instead.
Coupled with the fact that the average male only speaks approximately 9000 words a day, whereas the average female uses 21000 words a day. It makes sense not to make the woman in your life unhappy... O.d"

Life pretty sucks at times.. haha...

Sep 10, 2006

I should be happy that i have a big family - Everything was there for me since i was young, perhaps not in the material aspect of life but least i did not have to worry about the financial costs associated with rising tertiary education and beyond. It was always my dad who slogged through to make sure that his four "dinosaurs" ( affectionately referred to) were taken well of. Not having much education did not deter my dad from becoming what he is today. Instead it was his drive and determination which spurred him on and made him what he is today. I really respect him for that - Even if there were many times that i have disappointed him, be it in my studies or the way i do things; be it i was not happy with his way of teaching the kids; perhaps his harsh and overbearing tone whenever he speaks to me- To me he is still my dad. My one and only best dad in the whole wide world.

I know that i am lazy generally in nature, sometimes i just do not have the drive to push myself to do things in an enthusiastic fashion. Perhaps i have a bit of wit in me, but intelligence can only bring you so far. Diligence is still the most reliable ingredient to success. A fair bit of luck here and there definitely wont hurt but i figured that i cannot always use it as an excuse all the time. I really want to show him that his eldest son- Im not a piece of shit, that i can make it in this practical and sometimes cruel society, where only the smartest and fittest will survive. That he can be proud of me and my achievements one day before he departs this world.

I have not shed a tear since two years ago when i was heartbroken with my relationship problems. Thats so small and insignificant when i think of the love, dreams and hopes that my parents have in me. I have disappointed my mommy, dad but least i still get another chance to try again. To imagine them feeling sad and giving up on me just leaves me emotional and weeping uncontrollably. My dad is so old already and yet i have not shown him any proud achievement yet. Its still not too late for me to salvage my own predicament... The emotional anguish hurts far worse than the physical pain.

But being egoistic men, i just could not bring myself to hug my dad and admit my faults and ask for his forgiveness. I could only confide in her and perhaps one day, i will be able to finally tell him, straight in the face, make him feel proud of me. I hope that that day will not be too far away.

Always treasure what you have today for it may not be there with your tommorrow.

The angel has landed... i will love you.. Always and forever.

Sep 9, 2006

So Steve Irwin died this week, no thanks to a freak accident involving a stingray. In Singapore, there are all kinds of delicacies in plentiful abundance, including the chilli grilled stingray. Man~ imagine stung by the poisonous tip of the stingray and dying.. Poor guy, after countless life threatening battles with the monsters of the wild, he sucuumbs to a little, harmless stingray. May his soul rest in peace in heaven.

Threw out alot of junk this past week when clearing my storeroom and room. Years of dust have settled on the covers of my report books and countless other articles. Perhaps i have not touched any of them in the past five years? Got some class photos when i was still a skinny nerd back in the 90's.. Secondary school .. ahh... the smell of youth in the mind.. Unabashed, endless laughter and fun in class.. And of course there were serious , tense moments as well.. They will be part of my memories for as long as i can remember ..

And my memory is like decreasing all the time.. Think i need some brain food.