What Anpeiyu wishes what he gets!

Mar 31, 2007

14 days and counting ~

Its been a week since dearest left for melbourne for her study trip and still counting down to 14 more. So tired and having a stiff neck! Who knows the hell, where did i get the stiff neck? Staring at the monitor during work for so long or is it because of my pillow? Just needed a soothing massage but could never get one when i really wanted it... Now i get a taste of being single and having a quiet weekend. Lolzz.. lucky its only for 3 weeks and i get to have some time to do personal stuff anyway.

Lucky for me, i still have tons of pictures of us taken to look at and refresh my memories. Makes me feel slightly better and perhaps could share some of those taken at her 22nd birthday. Its really warm inside when i look at them. Perhaps she could be the very one.. Saviouring and peace ... Out ~

She sure likes to lick the sweet stuff ~

Look everywhere but the camera~

Happy 22nd birthday! My love~

Where's the rest of the gang~

Posing with the gal and cake~

I sure miss those pillows and hugs~

Wonderful, Lovely, All Mine ~

Surely, Truely, Missing U~

Mar 28, 2007

Just bought a pair of Adidas Chiba Pro running shoes. Its feather weight and suits the upcoming ippt test and 5.6km Morgan Chase (charity) run to a 'T'. Actually i was trying to find more reasons (or are they excuses) to support this purchase. I really like this pair.

Recently work was really, really hectic with one of my colleagues leaving fue to personal reasons. All her work is being assigned to me now and there is endless amount of work to do everyday, not to mention the deadlines at month end. I can feel my migraines here again...

And she isn't around for 3 weeks due to overseas study trip in Melbourne. Just hope that time passes more quickly..

Mar 15, 2007

Are Women Too Aggressive?

Are Women Too Aggressive?

With marriage rates dropping faster than ratings for The Apprentice-we're down more than 50 percent since 1970, according to the National Marriage Project at Rutgers University, with approximately 100 million singles in the U.S.-it's no wonder that we spend a lot of time thinking, talking and debating the quality of our relationships. In fact, more than 40 percent of both men and women say they spend at least two hours every day thinking about their current or potential relationships. (Scary fact: About 10 percent of us spend more than six hours every day doing so, according to a national Harris Interactive poll.) One reason: Many of these relationships simply aren't panning out, as evidenced by the fact that fewer men and women are getting married. Doesn't matter whose fault it is-men's, women's, or nobody's. We're just simply not making it to this stage of commitment as often as we used to.

Now, you could argue that's a good thing (because, of course, you shouldn't settle in with just anyone), and you could argue that it's a bad thing (because of the decline in the traditional familial infrastructure). But one thing worth thinking about is how our dating and mating rituals have changed over the years-and how that's changed our approach to commitment.

One trend that men have been grappling with: Figuring out their roles in relationships as women have become increasingly financially independent, increasingly sexually liberated, and increasingly determined not to let their biological clocks dictate their relationship status. Before you hurl e-tomatoes in my direction, hear me out: All those things can be good, but some men struggle with understanding the different levels of female aggression-how it may fluctuate at different stages of the relationship, and how it can be a turn-on in some situations and a turn-off in others.

Initially, for example, few things are as attractive to a man as a woman who's unafraid to pursue the guy she's interested in. But as the relationship grows, that same assertiveness can leave a man feeling like he's less in charge of his life than he'd like to be. Men tend to leave a lot of the life details-from social planning to family planning-to the women in their lives. So when a woman has all the power, and she asserts her new role as boss in many realms, it can leave men feeling a little, well, little. Hypocritical on a guy's part? Perhaps, but his feelings can easily change with the tide of relationships. I spoke to dozens of men about the different stages of their relationships, and what behaviors they rank as too aggressive or "just right." But I'd also love to hear your thoughts. When does assertiveness change from a deal-maker to a deal-breaker?

Relationship Point: The Approach

Guys' Take: Women Aren't Aggressive Enough

For a long time, men have upheld the role of the hunters. Women? The rejectors. Doesn't matter whether that initial approach happens at a bar, a bookstore, a coffee shop, or at the drive-thru intercom, guys who have spent their lives dreaming up opening lines and innovative approaches feel like decade-old carpets-they're just plain worn down. The ultimate rejuvenator: A woman who's unafraid to hunt the hunter.

Relationship Point: The Link

Guys' Take: Women Can Be Too Aggressive

When it comes to new relationships, some women can have the same strategy as food marketers: They want to slap labels on everything. Exclusive! Just Dating! Friends Only! 100% Completely Committed! Lots of guys don't mind the status, and they're fine with the natural progression of dating. But guys also hate premature enunciation-a declaration of the label too early in the relationship. Pushing too hard early can quickly turn his excitement about the relationship into an indictment of it.

Relationship Point: The Hook Up

Guys' Take: Women Aren't Aggressive Enough

Men certainly have long lists when it comes to their bedroom wants: a little more of this, a lot more of that, fat-free whipped cream please. But if there's one thing that men really crave in the bedroom, it's not a certain position, or even a certain act. It's a certain attitude. What many men want when it comes to sex is for women to show a little more assertion, aggression, and initiation. In the aforementioned national survey, only 25 percent of men rate their current partners as an 8 or higher on a 1-10 scale of sexual aggressiveness, while 60 percent of men say that's the level they'd like her to be. Many guys feel that if his mate is confident in the bedroom, he's more likely to stick with her beyond the bedroom walls.

Relationship Point: The Plateau

Guys' Take: Women Can Be Too Aggressive

Every long-term relationship reaches the point when the routines, the dialogue, the sex, the everything can feel more predictable than a Paula Abdul critique. But that doesn't mean the relationship's bad; it just means it's steady. While 92 percent of men say they want to marry, that doesn't always happen. Why? For one reason, men sometimes feel like, if the relationship is a car trip, they've been kicked out of the driver's seat and thrown in the trunk. Most guys want to have a say in the speed and direction the relationship is going, and the minute they sense that women are grabbing the wheel-as opposed to sharing the driving responsibility-then they feel lost. Case in point: in the survey for Men, Love & Sex, the number-one thing that men said bothered them about their partners was how much they nagged. When a woman applies a lot of pressure on a guy-whether it's to fix his bad habits or convince him to have babies-it simply feels suffocating.

Relationship Point: At the Crossroads

Guys' Take: Women Tend to be Just Right

Some relationships work out perfectly: boy meets, dates, and marries girl. Some relationships work perfectly imperfectly: boy meets, dates, and dumps girl (or is dumped by girl). But lots of relationships fall into the limbo category where neither partner knows whether the relationship elevator is going up or down. In those cases, the woman often forces the man's hand: Are you in, or out? For which, we thank you: Sometimes a guy needs that kick to get him moving-either down the aisle, or down the road.

Mar 3, 2007

Last weekend was running about the place.. Had a gathering with ex jc classmates on saturday evening and went to see the flower exhibition on sunday with the girlfriend at Sentosa. Took the sentosa express( mrt train service) and went in at about 4pm. Waited about 40mins for the lady to appear though..

Spot the difference with him?

The weather was quite sunny and the anticipated crowd was there since it was the last day of the exhibition. The theme was nursery rhymes and i thought that the flowers were playing second fiddle to the main attraction and not vice versa. Both of us took many pictures and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves at the place.

The garden of baahs ~ A black sheep among the whites..
Sniper on the alert ..

The humpty dumpty wall was the biggest of them all and on the other side of the wall showed the egg cracked and the yolk flowing out.. lolzz..
Was pretty glad that i sacrificed my sleep to go there. Least it was not as bad as i had imagined it to be.
But for next year, hmm.. let me consider again before we go.. *evil chuckles