What Anpeiyu wishes what he gets!

Aug 9, 2007

Time passes so fast, its our nation's 42nd birthday! I think one of my first 3 posts on this blog was on national day too?.. lolzz... Really flies at the blink of the eye for the commodity time. No amount of money in the world can buy time! And our 1 year anniversary was celebrated on the 29th july and there will be more to come in future. Still very much in love, thank you!

Speaking of that, i really believe that women are poor when it comes to reading maps, roads, directions. My girlfriend is really one such person! Recalling yesterday, when i asked her for lunch together, abbeit last minute. She is working at chinatown, im at harbourfront centre so we are just a station's ride away. So i called her and we agreed on a place to meet. As i happily trodded off to meet her, i was positively thinking that i would be early at least a few minutes. I called her when i reached and this is how the call went.

Me: 'I'm here liao. Chinatown NEL station. Which exit are you at?"

Her: You just take the escalator up and will see me..

Me: There are so many around. Which exit are you referring to?

Her: I dunno. Just take the escalator up and will see me.


After a few minutes of f***ing, cursing on the conversation, it only came to my horror that she is at outram mrt, the link between NEL and one of the exits. I am at NEL chinatown lah!!!

Stupid leh... then i must take the NEL back to outram park! Wasted 20 minutes of lunch time, lucky my supervisor was on halfday so im the most senior liao so eat longer lunch.

Of course she was hot too... we both were. But she insisted she was not wrong at all, but her instructions are so screwed up! Meet at chinatown station. There is only 1 chinatown station and that's NEL where i was. She should have said meet you at outram park station exit E instead!!!


Kissed and made up anyway.

Just silly her...

Going for jog now and enjoy what's left of my holiday restday.

*P.S Never ever ever believe what a woman says!!! Must confirm and ask for exact details. haha...